+597 Photography

+597 Photography is the first online art gallery focused solely on photography of and by artists from Suriname. We offer you the possibility to buy these quality artworks online and have these delivered to your house or office.

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Kid taking pictures of Global Warming and plastic waste effects in Suriname

After the successful workshop “See the world through your photo lens”, the +597 Photography Foundation is issuing a Global Warming photography contest for kids in Suriname. Kids between 10-13 years can send in ten of their best pictures. Pictures that capture the effects of Global Warming in their own living environment. This can be for instance anything from the effects of plastic waste to the rising sea level or changing of the climate.

Online contest on Facebook

The jury will then pick one image per kid. The jury members are Chantal Kartaram and Coco Duivenvoorde (the +597 Photography Foundation founders) and photographer Rafael Jantz. 

The chosen image will be part of an online competition. This will take place on the Facebook page of +597 Photography online wall art gallery. People can vote for the photo that appeals the most. We will announce the picture with the most votes on July 23, 2021.

+597 Photography Foundation in the media

Make sure to also check out this interview (in Dutch) we did with Supreme TV where we talk about the workshop and the Global Warming Photography contest. It is great to see how photography can be used as a medium to dive into deeper issues such as Global Warming.

Suriname newspaper ‘De Ware Tijd’ also wrote a nice article about us. Please see link here.