Dion C. Howard
Dion C. Howard, born on April 15, 1983 in Paramaribo, has been loving photography since 2010. For Dion, Photography is a form of art, and through this form he wants to show people that every subject / object has a different / “more beautiful” side.
It didn’t matter to Dion where he was going, he always had a small camera with him. At one point Dion saw professional photos and this motivated him to take his own photos to a higher level.
At the end of 2009, he bought his first DSLR and a new hobby was born. His greatest passion lies in portrait and landscape photography, but once in a while he ventures to other areas of photography. One of those has a lot to do with astrophotography. Dion chose to follow experienced photographers closely, who taught him a lot. For Dion, photography is a way to get rid of all stress and relax.
Dion is a member of the Surinamese Photographers Association (SUFOV) and teaches the “Basic Photography Course” together with fellow photographers. And he has also taught the “Lightroom Basic Course” several times. He has also participated in various art exhibitions in Suriname, where he has sold numerous printed photos as works of art.
Dion is a true ‘Sranang mang’ at heart. He describes Suriname as a very fertile land with a lot of nature and a great history. The latter is still greatly reflected in the city center of Paramaribo. Another unique aspect is the fact that people with different cultures and religions live peacefully next to eachother in his homeland.
One of his greatest goals is to travel through the inland of Suriname to capture the landscape and nature.
“Don’t stress because of things that you don’t have influence on. As an individual you do have influence, but make sure you put positive energy into it, rather than negative. This is the only way we can make the world a little nicer.”
– Dion C. Howard